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2014-12-11 | 编辑: | 【 】【打印】【关闭


   经过台工会一段时间的准备,现在排球训练的场地,排球网和比赛用球都已到位。上周五已进行一次训练。为了便于以后组织训练,排球兴趣小组将训练时间固定在每周五下午 400-530,训练地点:天文台球场(天文大厦旁)。请排球兴趣小组组员积极参加活动,同时欢迎排球爱好者加入排球兴趣小组。 


田伟:  5263       林建爭:5327 


Dear Volleyball Friends 

  Thanks for the efforts by the SHAO's union, right now everything has been setting up for playing volleyball. We have enjoyed the game last Friday (there were more than 10 people!) and hope more friends to join us. Therefore, if you are interested in playing volleyball (no matter what level you are!), let's meet in the basketball field at 4:00-5:30PM every Friday. We are looking forward to playing with you!Cheers, 

Wei Tian: 5263  ChienCheng Lin: 5327 

@2008-2011 中国科学院上海天文台 版权所有 备案序号:沪ICP备05005481号
地址:上海市南丹路80号 邮编:200030 邮件:shao@shao.ac.cn